Presenting design plans to client

I have always made a password protected work in progress site to show clients and allow for their input. Im beginning to realize thios just opens a can of worms and slows the process, as they always focus on aspects I have not yet worked on etc!
How do you guys present ideas and designs without showing a site in its initial stages?

I would design the page or pages in RW, then preview in Google, then take a full page capture. I’d send the captured page/s to the client or you can upload it to a password protected page so the client can view it. I’m not sure if this would fit your purpose but this works for certain cases for me.
If you want the client to test functionality, responsiveness, etc., then you’ll have to give them a peek at the “work in progress”. If you have a clear onboarding process and timelines on deliverables, the client would understand each stage of the project.

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