I am using a french keybord and I encounter a problem with some characters like î, ï, ô in paragraph and heading elements but not in html element.
For these characters, I have to type ^ then i for î, or ¨ then i for ï.
When I do this in a paragraph element, I obtain î twice (îî) and I have to erase one.
There is another option to obtain these characters : hold down the “i” key for example and select the desired character in the pop-up appearing above. This second option works normally.
And, like I said above, there is no problem with these kind of characters when typing in an html element.
Perhaps, beta-testers using other keybords than english ones have similar problems ?
@annebourdon Hi, non je n’ai pas rencontré ce souci mais j’utilise beaucoup l’appui long pour ensuite choisir le caractère à écrire. Je testerai plus tard ce soir avec les caractère d’accentuation de lettres.
ULTIMATE BILINGUAL TOGGLE SWITCH DEVICE : (so sad not to have a blinking option here )
No I haven’t encountered this problem but I use the long press a lot to then choose the character to write. I will test later this evening with the letter accentuation characters.
ADD : oui c’est bien un bug : quand on utilise les accents avant de taper la lettre à accentuer cela provoque un doublement du caractère attendu, un tréma (¨) + un “i” = ïï . Ça me rappelle une blague : si c’est deux pommes pour un euro, alors c’est une pomme pour rien… La blague est gratuite.
@dan we have a bug! when we use accents before typing the letter to be accented it causes a doubling of the expected character, a diaeresis (¨) + an “i” = ïï . It reminds me of a joke: if it’s two apples for a euro, then it’s an apple for nothing… The joke is free.
Bonjour Anne et Bruno!
Oui, il y a un bug! Yes, threre’s a bug!
I’m also experiencing an issue with accented characters for French, but ONLY on a published (sandbox test) site.
In the editor and in local preview (on Safari), the accent is fine. However, once published, it changes to this (tas de merde) ;-).
I should be “français”.
Sure there will be solutions to these problems.
I tried to publish in a folder and I have same results in my exported file (tried with encoding set to UTF-8 or western ISO latin) .
Let’s wait @dan’s answer.
I answer to myself…
@miketee, I have found that, when exported, no charset is applied in the index files.
I suppose it is not implemented yet.
All accented characters are correct within the html itself. That’s good. It is not really a problem with the export or publish thing.
If you want to try something, open your sandbox index.html file in your text editor and and add <meta charset="utf-8">
just after the tag <head>
Is “français” now correct ?