Problems with video

When I drag a video component to an empty page, then select ‘Choose…’, it will allow a folder but not an individual mp4. However dragging an mp4 directly into the component (or the Resource box) from the finder or from Resources works.

If a video is added but not playing, it goes to white after about 15 seconds. This also happens when coming out of screensaver mode. Clicking ‘play’ brings the image back, clicking ‘pause’ goes to white.

When previewing in Safari, all the control buttons work except ‘pause’.

I noticed that too, it does open a folder but files with the .mp4 extention are greyed out… not selectable

And I wonder, are we missing a fall-back picture in settings?

BTW … the setting ‘immediately’ got a typo in the specification-bar

You should be able to pick a single video, so it’s certainly a bug, we’ll get it fixed. For the time being just drag and drop the mp4 into the drop well.

Yeah, video’s shouldn’t;t really be playing in the editor, we’ll look at fixing that up so they don’t.

Pause won’t work if you have “Loop” switched on as an option.

Doh! Will get that fixed immediately!

Loop was never turned on. I restarted the Mac and changed the default browser to DuckDuckGo, but ‘pause’ still doesn’t work for me when I preview in browser.

I agree, pause is broken with only Controls enabled & Autoplay set to Never.