Sitelok eCommerce

I am setting up the eCommerce portion of my online puzzle adventure site I bought Sitelok, am doing the “learn as you go” approach and can confirm all the amazing things people have said about it. But I am stuck and need high-level assistance on how to set up the eCommerce part of it. Here’s the model I am looking to do:

  1. Customer buys a code that can be redeemed for any adventure, rather than selling each adventure as its own purchase.
  2. Customer gets an email with their single-use code which they can then enter when registering for the adventure of their choosing.

I have set up the registering for a specific adventure. Each adventure is a subdomain that requires registration for that specific adventure. So far, so good. But I’m not sure how to tie the purchase of the single-use master code to the registration for a specific adventure.

I’d like to just use Sitelok for everything, rather than signing up for an eCommerce option on top of sitelok, but am not sure how to go about it.

Option A: Credits -Should I use the Credits plugin? Can I set up the adventure registration form to take a single credit? The manual speaks only of using credits for downloads. Also, that means the credit purchaser would be the same as the adventure registrant, and I expect credits to be used as gifts, so I’m not sure this would work.

Option B: Gift Cards - If I use something like ECWID to sell gift cards, I don’t know how ECWID would generate a gift card code that would be recognized by Sitelok as valid.

Option C: Coupon codes - I think this option avoids Sitelok altogether and requires upgrading beyond the free version of both Stripe and EcWID.

Any Sitelok or eCommerce experts out there who can point me in the right direction?


PS: My site would not be selling subscriptions - just single purchases.

Lets tag Adrian @vibralogix.

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Of course, the second I post a question to a forum as a last resort, I stumble upon a potential solution :smirk:

So it looks like a Sitelok-specific solution would center around the Register Code plugin, rather than the credits plugin. It looks like with this plugin, I would sell the registration code, then set up my adventure registration forms to require a code. I just discovered this, so haven’t worked through it all to make sure that it does everything I need. Has anyone used this plugin for this purpose before? Just a confirmation that I am on the right path would be helpful.


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Hi Gregory. I was just reading through your question and thinking that the registration code plugin could be a good match It looks like you have come to the same conclusion already :grinning:

If you have any questions contact me directly via my support system anyway.


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