Subscribe At Footer

Hi Guys,

I am currently using MailChimp for my email campaigns for newsletters.
I am still fairly new to the coding world. I try YouTube, and also googling and reading different forums for this, but still haven’t found one that helped.

Is there a way to generate something at the footer for my views to “subscribe” for the newsletters, so I can get notified who submits ? That why I can add them to the subscribers list manually?


@dezeraejulia Hi Dezerae, if you add the subscribe code available at MailChimp to your footer, your subscribers will be added to your mailing list automatically.
FinalWord from Doobox is also a good option to drop the code into.
If you really need to add your subscribers manually, you could add a ‘Subscribe’ button to your footer, that triggers a lightbox with a contact form – or again, FinalWord is also a good option.