I noticed when using @text callout in a span a couple of things are happening: <span>@text("textbefore", default: "Before")</span><span>Other Text</span>
So all the text should be inline by default. When I Preview, w/o touching anything it looks correct, ie. ‘BeforeOther Text’
When I edit the ‘Before’ to ‘B’, then there’s a space added after the edited text and an added break
ie. ‘B<space>
<br>’ which looks like this: 'B Other Text’
Could you guys please look into this as we can’t have mutated code
@dan I haven’t seen a comment or thumbs up on this and this is going to be a BIG problem. This kind of code mutation was allowed to slip through and remain in Blocs and it has caused HUGE problems for developers. Please - we all need and expect very clean code and text when it’s injected into the dom.
Hey @Bill@upssjw, We’ve taken a look at this today and the reason it appears differently in the editor vs Preview is because the Elements Text Editor is in its own div element. We’re going to see if we can fix this today for the next beta… fingers crossed