The Elements manual is available on GitHub

All our documentation for Elements is on GitHub, this means you can download it for your own use, or contribute to it — we’d love the help!

Changes to the documentation will get pushed (with approval) to the live site below.

Have fun!

oh, and @jscotta this is the perfect resource to download as a zip and feed into ChatGPT, or it will be when it’s done :wink:

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Would there be any benefit to enabling discussions on the repo in that it pertains specifically to the documentation (and folks actively engaged with it), or would you rather keep the conversation here?

Nice idea, but I think we’ll keep it here for now, as I really don’t need another place to check-in and reply to questions :rofl:


Is it best to fork the github repository if potentially making contributions to the documentation or just download it as is? In other words, what is the proces to be able to contribute. :slight_smile:

We’ve not done this before, so you’d be the first outside contributor…
You probably need to fork it, then submit a pull request to us for your changes :crossed_fingers:

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I have forked it, done a simple correction and issued a pull request. Hope this is what is wanted?

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Bingo, it worked (I think). You’re now listed as a contributor on GitHub :tada:

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