Tools for Web Designers and Marketers

We have just opened a new section on our website called ‘Designer tools’. It’s a list of apps and services we actively use for our custom web design and marketing business, I’m sure those tools could help you and your clients too.

We uploaded a short overview of three products that we use on a daily basis to run our business efficiently. We will keep adding products in the months to come, keep in mind that we only share about companies that we truly believe in.

View Designer Tools page —>

Plutio: All in one business manager
Encharge: Email marketing automation software
Setapp: A curated collection of apps that will make your life easier

Have a great weekend!


@davidefan I received your newsletter about this and checked it out, but these apps you’re referencing are more marketing as opposed to actual web design tools, correct?

They do look helpful, but aren’t “designer” tools, right?

Well, the three apps that are available right now do many different things.
I believe a web design business does much more than build websites. Plutio, for instance, would actually be a good choice for any business.

As the description says the aim of the page is pointing out the apps that we use in our custom web design & marketing business. In the past 10 years we have tried quite a few, some ended up in the trash can, others ended up in this list. I have about 15 more to review, including apps for marketing, internal admin, taxes, design, icons and svg…

Thanks for pointing out the slightly misleading title, I’m open to suggestions.

Yes, I’ve been looking at that one. I was unaware of it until now. Very helpful, and I appreciate your taking the time to share your experiences with the RapidWeaver community.

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