User comments and sharing

Because of illness I haven’t been able to follow or even comprehend what’s been going on!

I want to build a site using Elements. Basically a blog. I want to have comments and the ability for the user to share content.

Have these options been integrated or are there plans for their inclusion?

Thanks Les.

At this moment a blogging system is not integrated. But it is very easy to build one yourself, using the textcomponents in Elements.
I implemented Hyvortalk to let people comment on the posts.

You can see it on this page.

Sorry to hear that, hope you’re doing much better!

Please remember Elements is in beta and is not quite ready to build and publish websites. We do plan on adding blog functionality, however I can’t say how soon that will be.

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Thank for the link Bartje that looks like a good solution.

Thanks Dan. I’m just weighing up platform options and whether I wait for Elements to be ready for prime-time or just go ahead with an alternative.

But as Bartje mentioned Hyvortalk it would appear I could have the design flexibility of Elements and a blog engine.

To be honest I’m just dreaming. I had a stroke in June and thought I had escaped any serious after-effects, but now I’m finding it hard to focus on almost anything. I feel that if I get stuck into some project it might help my brain recover. :slight_smile: