V cards - how to get them to download properly?

Hi - wondering if anyone can help me here, See this website it has v-cards that will ‘on click’ download - See under the portrait image - on safari it will ask to add to contacts etc


So I took that file (Eric A. Hernandez-2.vcf) added to a normal link here (on the new website), yet It will not download like the old site, in just opens as simple text in a browser window ??

I did try adding AddType text/x-vcard .vcf to the .htaccess file - no luck

Any help here would be greatly appreciated - is there a stack perhaps??


Based on my notes here, the MIME type

AddType text/x-vcard .vcf

is correct. However I have sometimes seen some web servers ignore any MIME types set in a .htaccess file. It might be better to go into your web hosting companies CPanel (presuming that is what they use) and set it up there instead. There should be a button shown for MIME types. You can login and adjust them accordingly.

You can also force a file to download in some web browsers, by adding a download attribute to the link:

Note that this won’t work in Safari currently.

Thank you! So I went into the Fatcow control panel and added there (see saved below orange header) - see image> Still no luck?

Perhaps it might be best to speak with your hosting company.

For sure - thanks for your help.