Which component(s) do I need?

One thing that I’m noticing is that navigating the various properties of each component (ie. container vs section, or image vs image + text vs media component) in an attempt to determine which component(s) will best achieve my goals is becoming a bit overwhelming.

I can’t remember what’s in each of the property lists, the properties themselves are in no particular order, and there’s no way of knowing how any specific component works without dumping it on the page, sifting through the properties panel and associated options, and repeatedly turning things on and off in trial and error.

As the number of components increases I can only see this becoming a larger issue.


Interesting feedback, I can certainly see how this is an issue when you first start using Elements, but just like any complex software it gets much easier over time as you familiarize yourself with how everything works.

I’m sure there is more we can do for new users though. Will have a think on it, also very much open to suggestions and ideas on this!

True, but if this complexity increases the drop-off rate for new users, they won’t even get to the point where “it gets much easier over time”. It’s also likely that this complexity will have a not insignificant impact on sales and overall adoption of Elements.