WP Blog any good?

I see this is quite prominently referenced in the add ons section of Realmac’s website. How good is it? Does anyone use it?

I do. Just created my site recently. Works pretty good.


Hi 1335days, your site looks good. How do you find work blog handles mobile/tablet browsers? I hope you don’t mind me mentioning, but the header on your blog page over hangs onto your banner on my iPhone 5. This doesn’t happen on your other pages. Also, the ellipsis at the end of each post doesn’t seem to expand?

Everything else looks great. I’m just trying to work out why more people aren’t using the plug in considering all the complaints about the built in blog.

Not quite sure what you’re asking.

Anyway, WP-Blog does the job nicely. However, I’m thinking of switching to using Foundation to rebuild the site just as a learning experience. WP-Blog won’t work with Foundation directly but it can still be used following these instructions:

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