CMS Solutions w. Foundation: Armadillo? Dropkick? Other?

Armadillo is pretty good for all this tasks. You have a full blog with rss feed, categories and much more. Further more solo content even can add pages before or after the standard menu navigation.

Solo content gives you the ability to place content on any place in the Rapidweaver website, which clients can change later online. You also can select which options should be available for your clients. If you only want to allow solo content, then you can disable the ability that clients can create new pages, which are added to the menu.

There exists two editors in Armadillo, once markdown, which my clients don’t like and an full featured editor like word, which my clients love. (Not the markdown editor is bad, but my clients don’t like markdown itself)

In the full featured editor of Armadillo you can drag an image from the desktop an put it right in the editor, and it automatically will be uploaded. When you create a link to an image, then it will be pop-up in a lightbox without doing anything additionally.

I use Armadillo with foundation, there is still a little bug, when adding pages to the foundation Topbar, but a new version in the next days should solve this. I already contacted the creator of Armadillo.

Dropkick CMS is not as powerful yet.
If you have any additional questions comparing these two cms, let me know, I have both.