Exclusive Podcasts

Hey guys,

There’s been some confusion about the exclusive podcasts that are available to Gold subscribers.

Yesterday we released the first exclusive episode (an interview with Greg Barchard) in haste: We decided to put it in to the main RapidWeaver Show feed, without properly considering how this would be confusing for a lot of listeners.

So we have decided to remove the episode for now and create a separate podcast for Gold subscribers. This podcast will have it’s own section and contain only paid-for podcast episodes. I hope to have this new podcast available this week.

The RapidWeaver Show will continue to be completely free, and released every Thursday.

Really sorry for the confusion.



The Gold subscriber podcasts section is now online :smile:

To clarify: you’ll need a Gold subscription if you want to listen to these bonus podcasts. We’ll be interviewing more third-party developers soon and there’ll also be some behind the scenes info directly from Team Realmac.

The free weekly podcast is available to everyone on The RapidWeaver Show podcast page (we just released episode 15 today).

Cheers for your ears,

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Quite disappointed about the Gold Subscription ‘bonus podcast’ concept. I’m a long time user of Greg’s excellent hosting services and use them for a number of sites I run. I was really enjoying Greg’s comments - until the podcast was cut short for me as a non Gold Subscription listener. When Greg did the interview, did he know that only a select few subscribers would hear his comments? I’ll be contacting him direct with my thoughts on this. I know that the Gold Subscription provides subscribers with lots of extras, but I inherently dislike such subscription services and only recently, very much against my better judgment, signed up the the cheapest possible Adobe CC subscription following the demise of Aperture and the lack of anything worthwhile to replace it.

Great work with Rapidweaver, I’ve used it for many years and I really enjoy the Rapidweaver Show, but not happy about the ‘bonus podcast’ concept. Sorry about that, but that’s just the way that I feel.



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sad to hear you’re not a fan of the Gold subscription :frowning:

But as you say, it’s not just these extra podcasts, there’s plenty of other benefits included with a Gold subscription, and if you subscribe you can cancel whenever you like — there’s no minimum term!

@Ruyton, what would you suggest the Gold Subscription offer then? It’s ok to make a statement about what is included and what you’re missing out on, but don’t you think it prudent to offer a suggestion or two as a possible resolution or options for Realmac to consider… imho

@dan, personally, I like the Subscription Model that you have defined and I understand you have to generate revenue. My only feedback is weekly video’s would be a nice addition to what you currently have available. Yes, this takes time, but at $25/month (IMHO), a new weekly podcast with an additional occasional stack/plugin/theme freebie is counter productive to developing new Gold Subscribers and even Silver Subscribers because they get very seldom new content (other than those mentioned).

Just my feedback :slight_smile: Will be staying a Gold Subscriber to support a great developer and in reality, $25/Month ($300/yr) is a pittance in the overall costs of running a business because you can write it off as training (in some jurisdictions). I suggest you consider making a 6 month and yearly pre-paid version of the Gold & Silver Subscriptions at a discount as well as your monthly plans.


Horses for courses Brad. Ben, I don’t recall saying that I wasn’t a fan of the Gold Subscription, if that floats your boat then fine. All my websites are either charity or not for profit organisations and I receive no income from them, so although I fully support what the guys at Realmac are doing and I support developers by purchasing loads of stacks, I’m not about to spend $300 per year just for my own amusement I’m afraid. My objection was that I started to listen to a very interesting podcast which included an interview with Greg of Chillidog, only to be told after a few minutes that if I wanted to hear the remainder of the podcast, I would have to sign up for a Gold Subscription…Hmmm! I obviously wasn’t the only person to feel this way as that particular podcast was quickly removed due to the confusion it caused being in the normal ‘free’ feed. As long as those you interview for the Gold Subscription podcast understand that most of us poor ‘will code for food’ Rapidweavers won’t be able to hear what they have to say, then that’s fine by me. If they agree to a podcast on the mistaken assumption that there words will be broadcast to the masses, then that’s a bit off.

Keep up the good work guys and I look forward to the next ‘free’ podcast :smile:

You are correct @Ruyton different strokes for different folks :wink:


@bon, so as not to disturb the community, where should we discuss the subscriber podcasts?

Perhaps add a commenting system to the page with the subscriber podcasts and a rating system?

Food for thought

That is the plan, so stay tuned over the coming weeks for a lot of new videos :smile:

@Ruyton that’s fair enough. I guess the Gold subscription just isn’t for you at the moment (stay tuned though because we have some very exciting updates to the gold subscription later this year/early next!).

I think discussing them here in the podcast section is fine.