Manipulating the Blog Plugin in RW7

I use the RW blog plugin and display stacks on the page. Here’s how I do it.


Theme: Writer by NCD
Addons: Stacks 3, Houdini by JW (Teleporter would work, too), PlusKit


  1. Add PlusKit page to RW project
  2. Create separate Stacks page using Houdini to dictate placement of desired stacks
  3. Use @import statement to bring stacks onto the plugin page
  4. Smile

On my blog, I import the sidebar content on top of and below the blog plugin archives/categories/tags/rss as well as the footer content.

There are plenty of options out there for blogging and I’ve tried most. I opted to use the plugin because I have faith that given the prevalence of blogging, the plugin will get attention in an upcoming update. At the end of the day, you have to choose the solution that fits your criteria. This becomes especially important as once you’ve built up a huge database of articles, it’s challenging and time consuming to change platforms.

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