RapidWeaver 8.8 is now available as a universal build

Milestone 1: :white_check_mark: Done!

A couple weeks ago I laid down a little schedule for plug-in releases. We’re at the first milestone: Blocks, Accordion, Collage, and Flow now join Stacks as all being universal. These updates are free, so go download and enjoy.

Just visit our site for each plug-in, click the big blue Download button, unzip, and double click to install.

Milestone 2: Still to come

The next phase are the three remaining, the LogHound plug-ins. These will be updated in the next six weeks or so, before the end of May. This a larger undertaking than the others as there are some dependencies that need to be recompiled.

These larger updates will be free to anyone that purchased from YourHead Software over the past few years, but there will be a small upgrade fee for those who purchased from LogHound.

Because everyone purchased a PlusKit 3 license from YourHead, it will naturally be a free update.

More cool nerdy stuff

If you like to follow our software development, see the beta release, know when bugs get fixed, and features added, then I’ve got something cool to share.

All our plug-ins now have automated release notes like this. These are automatically generated from our developer logs and are automatically linked to the bugs and features as they get fixed. Just click the little button at the beginning of each item.

And new just the past week: we’ve added a public bug tracker to each plug-in. This means if you find a bug that needs fixing, you can help us out by logging it directly or follow along to see when your bug gets fixed and released. Or just add a “me too” comment, or give a bug a thumbs-up to let us know that it’s important to you.

We’ve had this sort of thing available for years for Stacks, but just after setting it up, GitLab disabled the feature and stopped letting us create any more public bug lists connected to private code. But with some recent changes, the limitations have been lifted. You can even see the bug lists without logging in now (you still need a free gitlab account to participate though).

Have more questions?

If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email: http://yourhead.com/support