A great way to make your website visitors love your website

Guaranteed to increase engagement, reduce bounce rates, and give your web visitors a satisfying sense of accomplishment when they finally solve the captcha… :rofl:

Since it’s the internet, the above is sarcasm, please don’t ever subject your website visitors to this.


Oh wow, that is awful :person_facepalming:

Captha’s are becoming moot soon. ChatGPT can already read most of them:

So this either means that we’ll see less capthas, or different ones like @dang shows here.

Given time, AI will be so commonplace nd relatively cheap to run that no captcha will be sufficient I reckon.


Oh wow, that is awful :person_facepalming:

Yeah, and that was the third or fourth try, I can’t remember I was so frustrated by that time. I was pretty sure my previous attempts were correct and the captcha was malfunctioning, but it kept putting me through the fail loop. After about 5 minutes it finally succeeded.

If it wasn’t a website that I needed access to, I would have given up on the first go.

Interestingly enough the Captcha in the video is from ChatGPT’s website, so it’s what they are utilizing, which I would assume means their product can’t solve that captcha…yet.

I would love to see less captchas in favor of captcha-less solutions (again like Cloudflare’s Turnstile which I mentioned in another post). Legitimate web visitors shouldn’t have to suffer just to try and reduce spam traffic, and that posted captcha was one of the worst I’ve ever seen. There is just no justification for making captchas that time consuming and terribly designed.

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