landing page + game
masonry layout responsive local folder - obvious I haven’t used images
landing page + game
masonry layout responsive local folder - obvious I haven’t used images
Love the animated header, that is really fun!
@upssjw, I’ve been having similar fun this evening… got ChatGPT to help me create a header with an animated particle effect in it.
I added a dropzone and can now add anything I like on top of it, such powerful stuff
@dan thats really cool, I think if users of Elements want something slightly different it means their Sites can be unique. The two I did above probably took less 20 mins that included making the videos etc.
The masonry just needs the number of images as an input with a few more variables to change, drop the images into resources with the naming of images, component complete. I think that’s the power of Elements adding the changes in the properties section, almost instant components, a few more videos for users on how to implement a high percentage of users making more than just simple components. Always people on the forum to help as well, looking forward to v1 release and the ability to create a bundled up component. My aim is to create a 3d themed site, just for my own personal site and learning of no use to anyone but a challenge for me. Other sites should be a breeze with the power at people’s hands.
asked ai to create a horizontal scroll, I added the vertical code bit then added some controls still rough but works so far, again ai tailwind Elements practice, this is addictive
Yeah, it sure is…
Nice that’s cool, hopefully everyone can see the power of Elements and the future is here, not even at v1 yet for release
ok need to stop now but I do like the one
@dan not sure what I am doing wrong here but this only works in preview and in a container or flex etc
ok I couldn’t stop laughing with this one asked to have the letters dance a bit rubbish, asked if they could be more rock and roll, it came back and said it would add some headbanging animation
haha, just need a little music playing now…
just for Elements
That is very cute I’m sure people are going to build some wild sites when Elements launches publicly!!!
building bespoke landing pages heroes etc in minutes and add Elements control into these will be wild, mostly imagination, then build the rest of the site quickly with Elements - can’t wait