Dev Diary Ep47 - Beta Intro for New Users, November 2024

Hello Again,

Welcome to this bonus episode of our weekly dev diary. This one was recorded for all the new beta testers we’ll be onboarding this month (starting tomorrow).

It’s a whistle stop tour of getting started with Elements, however while recording it I realized there’s too much to cover in a single video — Kinda shows how far we’ve come over the past year :tada:

Thankfully we have this forum to help new users and a rapidly growing manual (with videos).

:arrow_down: Open Demo Project in Elements.

Keep the feedback coming!

We’re listening to all your feedback and working super hard to make Elements the perfect website builder.

See you soon!

Dan & Team Realmac.


When do you expect Theme Typography in theme settings to be unlocked?

Hopefully sometime next week…

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Hi Dan, can you share the Welcome.elements file, it looks great and will be to good work with. Thanks much.

No, problem, just click the link below to open it directly in Elements :muscle:


Have fun!

Thanks much!

Links Color Question - Will the links color only control those links created in a Typography Component or will it also control the colors of links in a text component??

If not, how should we set defaults for links in a text component??

Like this…

Hi Dan,

I have some questions. Let’s say you have a site 900 pixels wide. Would it be possible to have a row (or a few rows, each of them can move separately) of 10 pictures each 200 pixels wide. That would mean about 2000 pixels wide, forgetting about the margin for now. That would not fit on the site or it would break them up and put them on top of each other. That is not want I want. I would like to be able to scroll to left and right to see the pictures. You see it in Apple books and more apps. Would this be possible in Elements?

Then is it possible to add a sound to a link so that when you hover over it it would play?

And is it possible to add a background sound to a site?

Cheers, theo overgaauw

What about links that have been visited??

You could use a custom class, just pop this in the css classes box on the text block.


This is certainly a solution. However, it seems to me that “visited” should be a core feature for the link tools, along with main style and hover. Just my opinion.


I totally agree with this as a minimum. What we really should be able to do is set links color in the theme studio, where it will be the same for the entire site and if one needs something else, then you can override the particular place where you want it to be different.

Using a custom class in multiple places increases the workload substantially, having to manually set each time, when it readily lends itself to being a site default. :thinking:

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Sure, for now you could also use the Typography Component in your site if you just want to set it once for the entire site.

True. That would work. But…doesn’t that defeat the purpose of having the text component for short bits of text (like 1/4 of a line of text that will be a link) and the typography component for long form text??

I’m not saying we won’t add it :smiling_face: I was just giving you solutions to use now.

