App for making photo collages?

Anyone got a recommendation? I don’t want to have to make them by hand using Graphic or Affinity so if there’s a £10 app out there that’s any good, I’d be pleased to hear about it.



I’m not aware of any apps, but @isaiah has a Collage stack. It might be worth considering.

I do all my work myself in Photoshop, but I found this:

Love that no one has to define Mac or PC here lol.

Thanks Neil. I’m aware of collage. I need something to take 20-30 photos, defining a height and width and letting the software sort it all out.

Thanks Lisa. I saw that. I’ve been using Fotor - a web-based collage maker, but I still prefer to have somethig I can store on my Mac, rather than something that sits in the cloud.

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How about this? 80% discount after recent update.

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Nice one Neil. Purchased just now. Looks like it’ll do the job. Good call. :sunglasses:

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