đź—Ł We need more questions (Wednesday 9th December)

If you have a question you want us to answer next week, please let us know!

I have a question about switching to a new computer. I’m considering getting a new laptop. It might replace my current iMac or I may keep the iMac. So, my (two-part) question is,

  1. what is the best practice for switching to a new computer to make sure all my RW stuff gets moved over (stacks, themes, etc)
  2. if I were to keep my iMac, what is the best way to juggle RW on two different computers? Or do you recommend trying to leave all the rapidweaver stuff on one?

Beers for your ears!

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First of all… Happy birthday Ben! Funny I just got 31 on November 2 (Día de Muertos here at México)

Just before my question, I must say that RapidWeaver had changed my life, I’ve been a Graphic Designer, Photographer and a Filmmaker for the last decade+ and Web Design has always been a foundation in my work (no pun intended) specially in the last 5 years. I am not a prolific coder, actually I kind of suck, though I can help myself around, I still think that the quickest and best way in most cases anyway to build a website is through a GUI, I’ve also always sustained that the best approach for creative work is by accomplishing complex task with simple, yet sturdy tools, RW + Stacks is just that, once you get the semantic and the logic behind it–which is very similar to code, a whole world unravels. I really wish I had discovered it years ago, is not that I didn’t heard of it, it just seemed a bit alien to me, how fool I was indeed.

I’m a happy Adobe self-exiled, its been almost 4 years now, and I must say it is one of the best decisions I have made in awhile, the only apps making noise on my dock where Muse and DreamWeaver but not anymore, thanks to you guys :smile: (If you are interested I can post a full list of the apps I use now instead of ACC)

Sorry for the letter, now my question: Is there a way to fix the stutter while scrolling on Safari? It ain’t a RW problem, I now that, but any advice on best practices? or should I just avoid using Parallax effects in general?

PS: I’m doing my best evangelizing my colleagues to jump-ship, but a single video overview aimed at a Pro-ish audience, explaining what RW + Stacks are/mean would be amazing! I could help you with the Spanish voiceover if you wish :wink:

Here, a WIP, my very first official RW website : activebands.co (I’ve also designed the bands and the branding)

You said (in podcast episode 18) that for SEO reasons it’s important to give ALT tags to images.
I have not found how to give ALT tags to images in the photo album plugin.
Is it possible or not ?

I have a question for the podcast team, thanks for the great podcast, I enjoy learning something every week.

I am looking for a shopping cart solution and am having trouble finding something that will do what I require.
The client hires out entertainment equipment such Jumping Castles, Mechanical Bull rides, Sumo Suits etc. Good fun business hey…

They charge a fee depending upon how long the hire is, i.e. $770 for 4 hours or $660 for 3 hours then there maybe a delivery fee if the customer is outside the free delivery area, so they may charge $660 + $75 for delivery and then they may negotiate a discount as well.
So each quote varies in price, so for example it could be $660 + $75 less 5% discount so actual charge is $698.25

Is there a shopping cart solution that we can use so that the the client (owner of the business) can enter the price each time for that specific customer?

It’s not hundreds of customers, usually only 2-3 customers per week, so the effort to create individual invoices would not be overwhelming.

Thanks for your help.

Cheers Scott

Here is a non RapidWeaver question. What does the Realmac team do for a Christmas party? Maybe post images afterwards?!?

Hi you asking for questions, ok, i have one, i have asked this before but it got ignored !,
Why do you have TWO buttons to open/close the Page Inspector ?. one of them is labelled Inspector, the other one is called Info, but they both do the same job !.
There IS only one Library button !


I actually believed they did answer this in a podcast, but I could be wrong.

Kool, that’s good, do you know which one @zeebe ?


Some of the later ones if I recall correctly.

That is because Stacks plugin has it’s now info button for faster access to the controls.

Hi @instacks are you talking about the same buttons as me ?

Yes. The upper one is from RW, the lower from Stacks plugin.

No question. Just wanted to say thanks for reading my last question on the air and answering it a way that made sense!

Dare I say, “Cheers for beers!”


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I have 2 questions, both simple I think
Why in the newer RW 6, in the stacks page edit mode, there is no longer a choice of Background None? If you click on the color wheel, you have to choose a color and often I don’t want a background color. Sometimes I can set the color opacity to zero but for some stacks that isn’t possible.

If a website isn’t viewable on smart phone unless the phone is connected to a wireless network, is the problem the size of the website, the server, or the phone? I have one site of 10.9 mB that is ok on all platforms but another site that is 13.8 mB and it won’t load on a smart phone not connected to wifi. I’m thinking it’s a server problem. Both sites are with the same company but on different VPS’s.

Love the podcasts! Keep them going please.

Mary (aka bpequine)

I can offer advice on how to move your stuff over to a new computer. First off make sure you have a cloned backup (SuperDuper is excellent and free). On your new Mac use the built-in Migration Assistant to move your data over. You can either hook up your iMac/laptop to the new Mac or use the cloned external HD as the Target Source for Migration Assistant. Just have one or the other hooked up to the new Mac so that when you begin the “Welcome” OS setup process you can point Migration Assistant to whatever device you have decided upon as the Target Source.

As for moving back and forth between iMac and laptop I have the same workflow question. At the moment my Air doesn’t have enough room so my strategy is to boot up to my external, cloned (Toshiba 2 TB external HD) drive which has all my data on it and proceed from there. That way I am not dealing with two RW setups that need to be kept synced.

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we answered the same question from another user in episode 15!