Archetypon support

Hi, I am finishing my website using Archetypon Origin-2 theme. Its all working well so far - thanks for the slick addon by Lucas. Im using RW Version 8.9.4.
I’ve reached out to Lucas - the Addon developer, but there has been no action under his name since 2017 so I’m not sure if he’ll respond.
I hope someone can help me get my social media icons, (that I’ve placed in extra content 8 and 12 - Archtypon terminology), to link to their appropriate URLs. How do I make them link properly to an external site and change colours like my other active links?

Please see the screen shot below of the HTML code - body.

I have the following codes that only work if I click on them in edit mode in the sidebar.
Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 7.20.54 PM

Do I insert the above code somewhere else to make the icons work?

I’d appreciate any suggestions. I’ve posted my website without them functioning for now but would love to get that last detail ironed out.

I hope this email sounds clear enough. Thank you for any help.


Hi @LCharak,

The icons you’re trying to call, are part of UIKit. They only work if you’re using UIKit in your project.

Are you using UIKit?


Hi Erwin, Thanks for your reply. I have it installed but not utilized. I’ll have to go and check it out and see how UIKit works.