I am looking for a website like this link:
Has someone an idea which one is the best theme to built something like this?
I am looking for a website like this link:
Has someone an idea which one is the best theme to built something like this?
Auf den ersten Blick so eines:
Aber trotzdem würde ich ein Framework wie Foundry nutzen, das gibt Dir einfach mehr Freiheiten…
Viele GrĂĽĂźe
Besten Dank fĂĽr deine schnelle RĂĽckmeldung @Fuellemann
Alles klar.
Aber was genau kann ich mit Foundry machen bzw was ist es? (ein Stack) oder ein Theme?
Hi, Foundry ist ein Theme ohne Inhalt und mit allen Stacks, um daraus eine Webseite wie die oben genannte zu bauen (und viele weitere). Du hast also wesentlich mehr Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten aber auch mehr Einarbeitungszeit. Du brauchst aber nur RW und Stacks 4 neben Foundry. Daraus kann man dann solche Seiten wie hier machen: https://einfach-gute-seiten.de/#referenzen
@Lars746 There might be a theme or two or three that can help you out. I’m not sure. But from a practical perspective any framework will be able to do what you want easily. I use Foundry and love it. But other frameworks include Foundation, Source, Platform, uiKit, and others. There all come with both a theme with a collection of stacks. But for frameworks the “theme” is just to meet the basic requirements of RW and are very minimal and open-ended. Frameworks totally rock!
Thanks @Mathew.
And which is the best framework you know?
And what can i do with the framework?
I am not sure if really understand why i would need a framework.
Frameworks provide you with much greater flexibility in terms of design relative to themes. You may want to check out the documentation for Foundry as it will explain this a bit more:
Probably each framework has their own “explanation” or intro page. Check others out if you want as well. I believe @Fuellemann already provided you with the Foundry link as well. Take some time to go over the video, etc. on the front page.
Thanks a lot. I think it is good. I got it.
Now i have one more question: Is it possible to make a site like as in the link.
With scrolling down the page and with more pictures?
Like here: https://www.r2ds.de/vermessungen
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