Bought the RapidWeaver SEO Course from Realmac Software

Today I bought Realmacs “Full SEO Course” (contains 5 hours of videos, a RapidWeaver project file and a PDF file) and must say I’m really impressed. Ok, $129.- respectively $99.- is not peanuts by any means, but after listening to about a third of the lessons I’m sure it’s worth it. Especially those of us who do client-work with RapidWeaver shouldn’t think too much about the price tag, since the knowledge you get from the 16 videos of this course will for sure have a positive effect on how you’re preparing your (client-)sites for good SEO results in the future.

Since most of the videos directly relate to RapidWeaver and how to optimize things for SEO inside the app I can’t help but really recommend this course to every “weaver” who’ serious with SEO. So from my point of view - wether you choose the “Full SEO Course” or only the “SEO Course Videos” - these lessons will for sure greatly improve the SEO of your RapidWeaver site. Both thumbs up!


Can you tell us what the PDF is like?

I think videos are useful but there’s nothing like a ‘paper book’ when you want to look something up.


Sure. It’s a 25 page pdf-file which assists you with the 16 videos of the course. It tells you what you’ll learn in which video, gives you clickable links of the resources mentioned in the videos and nicely sums up the content of each lesson (roughly one page per video). There’s also the same RW7 project file included which is used in the videos so that you’re able to relate to the videos more easily. In my opinion both the pdf- and the RW-file really are welcome additions.

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Nice one. Thanks for the information.