How can I link a number so that it can direct call from a cell phone
Yes, @Figory just create a link and set it to tel:123567890 just as @britinusa suggested.
With this code, you also have an icon.
<a href="tel:440123456789"><span class="fa fa-mobile fa-2x"></span> Phone</a>
Icon: But only when using font awesome.
Of course.
But many themes support this … and with a Font Awesome stack it works fine on every stacks-page with every theme. With PlusKit @import((from the stacks page)) on every page.
YAY! Thanks everyone.
Don’t advice to use plus kit
It is dead simple to include font awesome CSS on every RW page.
Yes, for developers it’s dead easy and for advanced users.
But for new users or normal users it can be a challenge to integrate Font Awesome in a project.
That’s why I tried to integrate FA with some different workarounds.
In any theme, FA as code in resources and CSS in the header (challenge )
In a theme, which supports FA
In a stacks page, with a FA stack (from Joe Workmann)
… and as test, with PlusKit @import(()) of the empty stacks page in another (not stacks)-page.
And it works too!
Why not PlusKit?
How would it be done if added to an SVG ? So all that is seen is the SVG of a phone but not a number?
add it in a link on the svg
yes I know, but what’s the code to add? If I add this :: <a href="tel:+23456789">Call +234567879</a>
I get the Call+23456789 as the link, which I don’t want.
Leave out the Call +234567879 part
So I just add this?
Plus the closing tag </a>
It doesn’t work, have a look
passwd: 0000
You have an extra >
at the end:
I don’t get it ? this is what I entered…
Is it possible to build it into the SVG code?
if you are using the link builder just put in the tel:…, part the builder adds the tags