Can’t connect anymore after update macOS

Hello everyone,

A few weeks ago I tried to update my sites with new content, but with non of the 3 sites I could make contact to the ftp servers.
Are there more people here that have troubles after an update of Macos.
If so, how to fix this. In oktober I have had an update to Ventura 13.17.1 I’am not sure if that could be the cause of my troubles, but it is strange that all three sites with different servers are having a publishing issue at the same time and none of the settings have been changed.
I hope someone is able to help me to fix this problem.

Thank’s and with best regards,
Ari de Kok

Sorry to hear you’re having issues. Have you tried removing and re-adding your publishing settings?

Thank you Dan,

You mean, delete and rename everything the same as before in the publishing settings.
What change would that make? Sorry, but I don’t understand.


Have you tried putting your FTP details into another app (like transmit or Cystberduck) to see if you can connect?

We also have a help document that will guide you through troubleshooting upload issues: How to fix Publishing Issues | Classic Manual

Give it a go and let me know how you get on.

Thank you very much Dan!!

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I tried to connect with Transit, but no. tried all the institutions, with and without the firewall, and with help from ChatGPT. I really think it is an macOS problem here. (Ventura 13.7.2)

You should email your hosting provider to check with them that your FTP/publishing details are correct.

Everything is fixed now Dan, It was my internet provider KPN who changed the firewall settings. :frowning:
Next time first check: my Internet provider, then my website provider, then my operating system and then Rapidweaver :slight_smile:

Have a nice day and once more: Thank you for your time!!

With best regards,

Phew, glad to hear you got it sorted! :sweat_smile: