Publishing Website - 'Couldn't upload to your FTP server' error messages


I’m in the midst of publishing my first website from my MacBook Pro (OS High Sierra) and I am having trouble. 59 of 535 files are getting published but then it halts. My host is Site Ground, they have kindly tried to help me with this issue but we are at the point where I need assistance here. I have showed them a screen shot of my publishing settings and they have said they look just fine.

I get many error messages in RW 8.1.6 stating “Couldn’t upload to your FTP server (retry in 1 s)”.

I am using the Stacks ‘Defender’ and ‘Loveit’. In this instance I am uploading to a temporary domain with siteground so that I can test the website is working correctly.

I am using FileZilla for FTP.

I am at a loss as to what is happening here. I would be most grateful for some assistance.


Hi Alissa

I had similar problems where it wold get to 4xx of 1000 or 6xx of 1000 and stop. Very frustrating.

I think it is a “time out” problem where some of the files stall and this creates the problem.

The way I resolved it was to use my mobile hot spot where I noticed a slightly fast upload and that seemed to work.

It could well be something a little more sinister but the fact the upload started seems to indicate that all is well and is therefore a speed issue.

Of course I could be wrong but that is my experience.


Perhaps set the publishing speed to the lowest “1” and try that?

Hi Jan, many thanks for reading my issue and responding. I will give it a go.

Hi Tony, Thankyou for reviewing my issue. I have moved to a stronger wi-fi signal and will give it a go. Alissa.

I have a little more information to add to my initial post. I changed the publsihing settings speed to 1 as suggested, and that helped in that it did allow me to fix 2 files that were causing issues with upload. The speed at which the error messages are displayed is much slower so I could actually read and act on them. However, my problem now is that FTP has stalled on a file that I have no idea how to deal with. The file is called “proccesszip.php”. My FTP transfer stalls at uploading this particular file. Does anyone have any ideas?

Alissa two thing that occur to me.

One. It sounds like you’re trying to publish using rapidweaver (I could be misreading)…have you tried to export your site and upload via an ftp client? Plenty of free options and your host likely has an ftp client in your admin control panel. While this wouldn’t necessarily “solve” the issue. If the transfer works with another ftp client (other than RW) that would at least helps to isolate the issue.

Two. One thing to also keep in mind is your internet service provider. I regularly run into issues where my isp’s server software interprets my multiple publish attempts from RW as a dns attack and my IP address is blocked. Thus forcing me to release and capture a new up address. The behavior is similar in that my publish attempts stall. After reading about your issues I doubt this is the specific case…however the moral of the story is that your isp is another link in the chain that may be the culprit.

Beat of luck.

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Hi Dan, thankyou for your help. You are correct. I am trying to Publish in Rapidweaver. I do have FileZilla set up. Am I correct in assuming that after I export my site locally, that I then just drag all of the files onto the public_html folder onto the remote server? (I’m a little rusty I have not done any FTP for 20 years!).

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You are probably correct :wink: the exact directory structure on the web host can vary…but it is likely that the public_html directory is correct. And you are correct in that one just drags, or selects via the finder, their files and places them into the ftp client.

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Ok, many thanks Dan. It worked. I did have 60 failed transfers though, yikes. 482 were successful.

OK- so I have made progress but still am having some issues which I cannot seem to resolve. I have exported my RW website file to my local hard drive. I have FTPd using FileZilla. However, I have 1 directory, that contains 6 sub-folders that absolutely refuses to publish. I have checked all links on several occasions, I have deleted parts and recreated, I have performed ‘health checks’ . The first file to stall in the FTP process is the index.html file, and then every single sub-folder and file within this particular directory will not transfer (46 files). I’m literally at a loss as I feel like I have tried everything. I also carefully clear the Safari cache and the History every time too. It’s quite bizarre as when I test the website on my local it all seems to work fine…the index.html file actually points to the correct folder. Does anyone have any ideas? I’d be most grateful. (I should point out that I have 3 other main directories that all have the same structure as this one and they all uploaded just fine).

What exactly do you mean “refuses to publish”? FileZilla has a log at the top of the screen what message are you getting?

Thanks Doug for assisting. I get this “Error: Critical file transfer error”. I have pasted an example of the log below from just 1 of the files.

"Status: Starting upload of /Users/alissacook 1/Sites/Nature Photography Galleries/Australian Wildlife Gallery /Australasian Gannet Pair/files/love-birds—australasian-gannet-pair—large-view…jpg
Command: CWD / Photography Galleries/Australian Wildlife Gallery_/Australian Wildlife Gallery /Australasian Gannet Pair/files
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to / Photography Galleries/Australian Wildlife Gallery_/Australian Wildlife Gallery /Australasian Gannet Pair/files: No such file or directory
Command: SIZE / Photography Galleries/Australian Wildlife Gallery_/Australian Wildlife Gallery /Australasian Gannet Pair/files/stacks_page_page45.css
Response: 550 Can’t check for file existence
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (35,213,196,180,135,220)
Command: STOR / Photography Galleries/Australian Wildlife Gallery_/Australian Wildlife Gallery /Australasian Gannet Pair/files/stacks_page_page45.css
Response: 553 Can’t open that file: No such file or directory
Error: Critical file transfer error "

All the best,

It’s a bit difficult to read the log the way its being displayed in the forum post. It might be better if you could mark it as Preformatted text. You can do that by selecting the text and hit the </> button right above where you type.

A few things I would suggest; first it looks from the log file that you are using mixed case and spaces in the file path: Photography Galleries/Australian Wildlife Gallery_/Australian Wildlife Gallery /Australasian Gannet Pair/files

That can cause issues. It’s best practice to use lower case letters and no spaces in file paths. Use - or _ instead of spaces in the folder names. You can use anything you want in the navigation (the page list on the left side of RapidWeaver). I don’t know if that is causing the problem with FileZilla or not but it can and will cause problems down the line.

So I’d get that fixed prior to going live with the end site.

The part of the log:

Command: CWD / Photography Galleries/Australian Wildlife Gallery_/Australian Wildlife Gallery /Australasian Gannet Pair/files
Response: 550 Can’t change directory to / Photography Galleries/Australian Wildlife Gallery_/Australian Wildlife Gallery /Australasian Gannet Pair/files: No such file or directory

This indicates that Filezilla is attempting to change to a directory that doesn’t exist. FileZilla should be trying to create the directory if it doesn’t already exist.

Without a screenshot of what the directories are and aren’t out there its hard to say why this is happening.

I’d probably go to the hosting site with FileZilla and delete everything you have out there so far. Then after fixing the paths above republish everything.


Hi Doug,

Thankyou so much for taking the time to help me with this. I really appreciate the effort. It worked!!! I deleted everything uploaded to the remote server so far and then made all the folder name changes and the upload worked perfectly.



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