Catch Light Problems


I am using the Catch Light Theme and need assistance.
I have a dropdown menu at the mobile version but when I scroll down over my Block Grid and then the Blockgrid Cell the dropdown menu will be overlayed by this… Please help me out with this :slight_smile:

I would like to have the dropdown menu all the way in front and everything should be behind it. Please help me out with this quickly.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-09-08 um 10.15.59

Bildschirmfoto 2021-09-08 um 23.47.31

Catch light theme…looks like Foundation (F6) block grid???

It’s a Foundation box project, which uses Foundation 6.
@davidefan maybe the best placed to help

I agree

Hi, I’m not sure of what I’m looking at in the screenshots you sent. Do you have a link to the published website?

I tried to fix it but without success …

Ok, got it, something must have changed in some F6 update.
Very easy fix! I just moved the Mobile menu and the Scroller Menu outside the 1 Column stack that contain them. That should definitelly fix the issue.


Make sure to put a link to your products and thanks for your great support.

Glad we fixed the issue, if anybody here was interested in our professional project files you can always find them here

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