Classic vs RW8 - are there new themes?

Hello! Rapidweaver user since 2007 - but have not used it much the last years…
I’m a little confused: I did download a demo of Classic but can’t find any new theme comparing to RW8.
I did hide all the very old themes still there (2007…) but can not find any new ones, just some same since RW8? I think I must miss something… :blush: ?

Two new themes ( free lite versions) and improved also “lander” ( in rw classic)

lumilite and cordialite

2024-03-13 at 18.00.28
2024-03-13 at 18.00.39

Ah now I see these new, nice, thank you!

(But admit I expected some more available themes, “RapidWeaver comes with over 50 themes built-in and more available from the Marketplace.” :wink:)

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