Combination of stacks for using a grid with animated graphics and text

Dear forum members,

I am about to set-up a webpage for an international medical research project in which 38 different organisations participate.
My plan is to have a page with a list (grid, table?) of logos, which are

  • shortly shaking when the mouse hovers over it;
  • linked to the homepages of the partners;
  • overlayed with a short text which appears once you the mouse hovers over the logo

My question regards to your ideas of the right combination of stacks:

The highlight stack by S4S provides me with the text overlay and I can also link to graphic, however, it seems that I cannot let the text appear text appear. Do you have solution for this?

The plan is to put theses stacks into the animate stack and choose a nice „move“ - however, I realise that this effect is only displayed once meaning that the effect is not repeated when the mouse is over a specific logo again. Do you have any solution for this?

Finally, the grid… There a number of grid stack available and I have already a couple of them. Is there any „right“ combination of stacks that you recommend (as I realise that some stack work well other not so well with each other)?

I am using RW 7.5.5, stacks 3.

Thank you very much for your responses.

Not sure if you’ll get (or even want) both the ‘shake animation’ and the overlay text. Why not just have something like Pop Up Caption from Joe Workman where explanatory text slides over the logo / image ? You could multiple instances of this stack in any grid stack you like (and there are a few!)

If you really want the ‘shake’ animation as well you could try putting the Pop Up Caption stack or even the whole grid inside an animation stack (again there are several) and see how that works.

Not sure what you mean by this? Do you mean appear/disappear?

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Regarding the repetition “I cannot let the text appear text appear”: this was an error; of course I meant “disappear”.

I was not aware of the stack you mentioned and will try it. You are right both effects might be too much.

Thank you for this!

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