Custom colour responsive

@dan is there a reason why when using theme colour property it is not responsive, no dot to the left, the using

“responsive”: true,

Hmm, we don’t support responsive colors. It’s not something people generally want to do, as far as I’m aware!

ah ok I would prefer to have the choice though, its available for tailwind as needed

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I would prefer not to use css and create colours that way or have to setup my own tailwind colour pallete, built in responsive would be better

How would responsive colours work?

just a quick demo in play tailwind

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You can make color responsive using the ‘Advanced → CSS classes’ (ie. md:bg-rose-400 lg:bg-sky-200, etc.), and leaving the background color set to none; There’s no way to do this with text color as it doesn’t have the option to set it to none.

I can’t really see too many use cases for this other than purely creative ones - which of course, are totally valid.

I would prefer to have the responsive option in the controls if I enter

“responsive”: true,

no dot appears next to colour the responsive option is not available

If I am creating a component want to make this as easy as possible for others to use, no requirement to enter tailwind classes

I have a use for this in my component

If it valid in tailwind not sure why the option is not available

Yes I can do this for my one offs etc