+1000 to this. Personally, I’d dump the Section component (and the confusion it causes) and focus on the Container component, leaving the concept of Sections to represent pre-built ‘templates’ the represent common page ‘sections’ found in many sites today.
Also, the core elements/components really need a BIG refactor as I’m finding a lot of strange decisions in their design/implementation. For instance, why can’t I simply add padding or margins to any core element? Why are those properties reserved for certain core components? Why can’t I apply a background (none, colour, gradient, etc) or a border (size, colour, corner radius, etc) to all core elements? By not having a core set of consistent properties that every element (or type of element) supports (see this post) you have left everything up to the element/component creators to implement, which will only create discrepancies in the overall UI/UX, and functionality that will only lead to user confusion.
Anyway, I’m hoping to spend some time this weekend putting together a list of notes and suggestions for all of the core elements/components in an effort to make the core Elements user experience much more cohesive.