@dan I have been playing around with the new UI and it is fantastic. The only problem I have run into is that there appears to be no way to access the code editor. The button that used to be visible for toggling it open and closed has disappeared. Plus the menu items for toggling the editor appear to not be working.
Sorry, I should have specifically called that out in the dev diary/release notes, you currently need to use the toolbar button to hide and show the bottom panel, like this:
I’m curious what the panel is below the code editor?
Once I drag the code editor to a different location I cannot drag it back to the default location and fully hide it. When collapsed the panel below it is still visible.
Brilliant. Now give us some shortcuts for quickly change the layouts. That would make quick UI changes easy, especially when you work on a laptop and need to quickly change to a layout and back.
Oh, and - yeah, I could open a new thread for that - but it’d be also really helpful if clicking on a component in the node browser would scroll to the component on the canvas and vice versa.
I have been hoping for this for a long time. for me it is the most frustrating thing working in the editor. I always want the current selection to be in view, nothing else makes much sense.