Development question

Hi all, am fairly new to RW.

Am being asked if I can create a site promoting the island of Langkawi Malaysia. The general site showing images, content and locations. I can handle that.

However, they particularly want content uploaded directly from visitors to the web site. Using; laptop phone… Recommendations to bars, café and venue. Together with short comments a photograph and star value, as a guide to a particular location and guide in general. Thus, promoting the best places to visit on this Far East island.

This maybe needs a back end and, static upload layout for visitor to upload images, text and maybe perceived value for money. Basically a customer upload to the server. Something easy to complete.

Can this be done in RW and, point me in the correct direction. I have evaluated Joe Workman CMS, looks possible, however… uploading to a particular category or adding to a new category, am not sure is possible. Don’t want to revert to WordPress.
Am really enjoying RW


Yes, it’s possible and also possible with @joeworkman TotalCms. You haven’t mentioned security/membership etc. I have to assume you are not going to just let anyone upload whatever they like. Can you elaborate on that side of the equation? Are you going to allow any upload but then an editor publishes to the live site? Do you need people to register before they can upload? - all of these things and more are possible with TotalCms or TotalCMS and sitelok paired.

In addition you could probably use the wonderful Repository stack by @instacks.

It’s unclear to me how all this would work. On the one hand it would need to be not password protected (I would think) but that adds some complications. All can be overcome, but you do need to know whether password/membership protection is needed. Sitelok will be your best bet there as @swilliam noted.

Repository works just fine with Sitelok, or it also provides it’s own password protection if needed.

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This is new work for me using RW… And a little out of my depth.
There are currently 15-20 locations willing to sign up to be featured on this site initially for free. The idea being others will wish to be published on a on going basis to build a site showing everything available on Langkawi.

They want a direct registration for future subscribers who want to be included in this site, with customers being able to comment.
However, also a suggestions page by visitors, who reccomend a particular place as being an outlet to visit.
Have been asked to develop this and could use your help and direction.

I have Foundation, together with many stacks, including total cms.
However, is there a theme that I could use as direction?.

I would build it in foundation. 1. you have it. 2. you can build any type of page you need. 3. the foundation forms are very powerful and flexible.

I just built a site for a community that has a similar function. I used Foundation, TotalCMS and sitelok. Six organizations to get started each can log on and add/edit their own information only. A manager can add/edit anything. A new organization(Partner) can sign up/subscribe anytime and start adding their own information. - They are charging $50/month to the partner organizations. In addition, they have a “sponsor” level. They register and get a single page (partners have unlimited pages.)They are launching Sept1 so it’s still behind PageSafe or I would give you a url. – It’s quite doable in RW

Hi Robin,

Interesting project you have there. I think the idea of visitors uploading would definitely appeal to future visitors. Might want to think about maybe a ‘guided’ or friendly supervised upload - I can see phone images of 5MB+ being uploaded which will kill the site loading quickly. Maybe a size-limiting function for the files, so they know there images are too big, but them they will have to compress them, which is why a concierge service at the front desk to compress (drag & drop onto compressor like ImageOptim) and help upload would probably be a good idea. Upload limiting functions are definitely built-in into EasyDB FreeForm Pro, along w/ user credentials & the layout can be anything you wish. Good luck w/ the project.


Hi Scott,
Your project sounds very much like mine.
Please, can you send the url september, when launched. I have a little time before I need to start my own particular project and, feel a little out of my depth.
Clearly, good work to have… just a novice on RW.
Would love to see the site when completed.


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