the download from RapidWeaver Classic 9.3.3 does not work.
the download is very slow and breaks off + error message
Update Error!
An error occurred while downloading the update. Please try again later.
the download from RapidWeaver Classic 9.3.3 does not work.
the download is very slow and breaks off + error message
Update Error!
An error occurred while downloading the update. Please try again later.
Hey @Pegasus, Sorry to hear you had trouble downloading!
I’ve tried the direct download and can confirm it’s working as expected. I’m guessing some network error occurred on your initial download. Try giving it another go!
no, its not working.
close rapidweaver, restart macbook nothing helped …
no problems with other downloads.
is there perhaps a conflict with the macOS 15.2 beta?
Just as a reference point, RapidWeaver Classic 9.3.3 has installed OK for me on MacOS Sequoia 15.1.
EDIT: I have also just successfully installed RapidWeaver Classic 9.3.3 on MacOS Sequoia 15.2 Developer Beta.
@Pegasus, I’m guessing it’s cached somewhere on your network, can you try a different network, like a mobile hotspot?
i have already done it, same problem :-/
the update process always aborts after “extracting the update” when downloading the 145.6 MB … usually at 1.8 mb
@Pegasus Well that is VERY strange tested it again here and it’s working just fine.
I’ve uploaded it to a different server, so give this download link a try.
now, update done! thx!
Awesome, glad we got it sorted in the end!
Hello Dan. Will this 9.3.3 update be available through software update within Classic soon?
Sometimes it takes a while to propagate, but yes, it should be available now. If not check back in a few hours (or download the update manually).
Waited about 30-min and update was available like you said. Thanks for all your hard work Dan!