Duplicating pages

Duplicating pages is not working for me when I right click a page and select duplicate page.

Yes me too. I had a problem with the menu, the “create a new page” function did not appear. I restarted Elements and abracad there it is. I will check if it happens again. The keyboard shortcut to create it does not work for me.

same issue, it works from the file menu

Hmm I checked that and yes it duplicates a blank page but labels it as a copy.

Doh! Sorry, hopefully all fixed in the next beta… stay tuned!


Also when you get this to work look at adding things to the duplicate and changing things. Currently the duplicated page even though it’s duplicated as blank you cant add any elements to the now blank page. even though the page is blank.

hah, yes that’ll be fixed too!

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the duplicate page still does not work for me when I right click on a page title. still works from file menu

That duplicate from menu is still blank but this was not mentioned in the last update so I assumed not fixed yet. Looks like the guys were fixing other things today

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Yes, not fixed yet, we ran out of time. Will be fixed soooooooon…

For me the Duplicate contextual menu doesn’t work but Command-D does. However, when I duplicate a completed page the duplicate page is blank - none of the content is duplicated.

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Page Duplication has been fixed in the next beta and is working amazingly well, look out for it on Tuesday (6th August).