On this page created with RapidWeaver 8, the photo album works normally
But when this page is automatically translated by Google Translate, the page no longer works, the album is no longer displayed and instead an error message appears. Attached are two screenshots. The first is the normal image. The second is the translated page with the error message “SOMETHING IS WRONG error loading xml file: files/monoslideshow.xml”
I think there is something wrong in the html code generated by RapidWeaver. Can you please help me ?
Hey @jeurissenb,
Your screenshots didn’t attach as new forum members can’t post photos (it’s a setting of the forum). You have to reach a higher trust level before you can attach images to a post.
Regarding the issue though, it looks like Google Translate is rewriting the URL in a way that is causing the .xml file to not be found:
The monoslideshow plugin that the Photos page uses is very old, I doubt it’s been updated to keep up with any changes that Google has made to their Translate tool. But that rewritten URL that Google is spitting out looks awful, not surprised it’s throwing a 404 error.
Do you have a lot of web visitors that translate your website directly by plugging it into Google Translate? Most web browsers nowadays have a translate tool built-in so people don’t have to go manually entering a website address in Google Translate to translate a site or page.
For what it’s worth, the photos page works fine when I test it in both Safari and Brave browser using their built-in translate tool. I don’t have Chrome, FireFox, or Edge to test with, perhaps someone else could confirm if the page can be translated fine in those browsers using their built-in translate tool.