Exception while exporting error

@dan @simon: A user reported a bug recently (Error "Exception while exporting site" - Please help!) where they were getting this error when trying to publish their site with a theme of mine. I have indeed been able to recreate the bug even in a brand-new project file:


The theme in question does not use the RW Banner feature and in fact it has that value set as false in the PLIST file:

Adding an image in the RW banner image well gets rid of the error of course, but the user should not obviously need to do this. What might be causing this problem?

If you would like a copy of the theme, please let me know.

If I remove the RWThemeSupportsBannerImages key altogether it seems to fix the problem…

Guess I get to fix those PLIST files again and redo all of those theme update DMG files and resend updates. :pensive:

@Elixir: can you email me a copy of the theme please? simon@realmacsoftware.com

Sure. Once second and I’ll send it over.

Thanks Adam, we’ll get this fixed, and sorry for the hassle it’s caused!

@simon Email bounced. Tried twice.

Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table

Will send it via DM.

You send it directly to Simon’s personal address or support@realmacsoftware.com ?

Try dan@realmacsoftware.com if all else fails.

I just sent it as a download link via DM. Simon should have it now I think. :+1:

Thanks for looking at this.

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@Elixir his is fixed in the latest build!

Get it here: http://forums.realmacsoftware.com/t/rapidweaver-8-private-beta-1-build-19519b/20245

Cool. Once I come up for air and can get back to testing RW 8 I’ll be all over it. For RW 7 I went ahead and removed the key from the PLIST files and reissued them to users.