Feature Request (Low priority): Resources Information

Just getting started. First thing that popped out is that it would be nice if there was some sort of information about the files in the resources. Maybe a information pop-up on pointer hover? At least just the basics like file type, image dimensions, etc.

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I wonder if this info was displayed in the property inspector on selection it might make it easier to define things such as image src alternates/queries, add alt text, etc.

Later I could also see properties such as location on publish (site or warehouse), compression/format(s) (Squash integration), etc. Having all of that information and settings in one place would be really helpful.

Iā€™d like to add that it would be nice if the information (however it is displayed) were to be extended to the Components themselves, also. Basic information, at least at first. Perhaps expand to more complete information (e.g. author of Component, if it is part of a set then the name of the set, description details, version, way to update it if possible, etc.).

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