Pages, Resources, Elements Inspectors

I’m finding the wee disclosure inspector buried at the bottom of the pages, resources, etc panels isn’t working. It’s too hidden, and unintuitive. Please consider moving it to the inspector pane (which is fortunately sitting empty when nothing on the page is selected). Here you would have lots of room to add (or discover) additional page or resource related properties, as well as get some indication of what an element does before dropping it in the page. Providing users with a little description, available properties, etc would go a long way to helping users quickly learn what all of the various elements do — this will become increasingly important as more elements (both Realmac and third-party) are added.

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This is an interesting idea. How do you envision revealing the data in the inspector if a page element is selected?

You would show the properties for the element selected. Ideally, the inspector would present to you the properties available for whatever object (element, page, resource, etc) you have selected.

I kind of like this idea

So it would take up the bottom of the inspector pane revealed full time.

No, it would only be visible in the inspector pane when you select a page, resource, etc from the tabs on the left, otherwise it would display the properties for whatever object you select. One inspector, used to display information and properties in context of the currently selected object (page, resource, element, page element, etc).

Currently we have two inspectors, the one on the right, and the one hidden in the lower left corner of the page and resource tabs. There is the potential issue of dragging from the resources panel to the element inspector (ie: images, video, etc), but you could delay the showing of the inspector for resources unless there is a definite ‘click’ event vs a ‘mouse down + drag’ event which would imply the user wants to either drag the resource to the page, or the inspector.

I like the concept, I’m just struggling with the notion that maybe we just moved one issue to another location with little to no net gain. Good chance I am just not totally understanding what you are saying. I assumed you meant moving it over and having it always exposed above or below the element/component editor accordians.

Nope, it would be the only info/properties in the inspector when the page, or resource is selected. No accordions necessary. :accordion:

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+1 : good suggestion

We actually feel the same way about this :rofl: we’ll see what we can do!

I’d like to see this happen. A single inspector panel where any element that can be inspected is displayed, regardless of whether it is a page or a component.

Makes sense.

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