Filters - Drop Shadow - Custom not working

Hi @dan

just tried gambled around with shadows and found something what is not working. When I want to give a container a shadow, it works with the pre-defined ones (e.g. xl, 2xl etc.) but not when I am creating a custom one. No matter what I create as a shadow, nothing is shown

@WeaverPixel is this the same as your issue, when I switch to custom on the container the shadow disappears

the shadow is bigger on a custom component compared to the container when both set to say 2xl

just to show same shape, make container a circle

@upssjw I was wondering why the 2xl shadow was so small also on my side, but I thought it is the definition. Your example shows that also with the pre-defined shadows something is not correct.

Seems like to me as well

I can’t reproduce this issue here. Could you provide an example project with the issue? Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @bon

sure, you find the part here: elementsapp://downloadDocument/vqJ53EeYgASE

There are 3 containers in a Grid. The first 2 have under Filters a 2XL drop shadow. The 3rd one has a Custom Shadow. No matter what I am doing with the custom settings, I can’t see the shadow changing on the container (in the setting box I can see it).

Also with the other drop shadow pre-sets, there seems something wrong. The 2XL shadow is a bit small for a 2XL. That’s what also @upssjw was mentioning.

@bon @WeaverPixel

See video and download below

Two circles

Top one is a custom component, using the Element’s shadow ui control, you can see the size of the 2xl shadow, if we choose custom you can see the pink shadow show and it can be controlled

Bottom one same circle created with a container, the 2xl shadow seems less defined, if you select custom the controls appear but no shadow appears

Not tried @WeaverPixel multi issue


ok 'effects ’ works and ‘filters’ do not

@bon @WeaverPixel

Tried @WeaverPixel works with ‘effects’ even the third container

You have to select everything and Not background or content, would have thought background would be the initial choice

Hi @upssjw, just tried it and yes, with “Effects” the “Box Shadow” is working as intended. Maybe that is the correct or better way to implement a container shadow.

But for what is then the “Drop Shadow” in “Filters”?

I’ve looked in to this and found that there is a bug in the Drop Shadow filter that is preventing it from working. We’ll get this fixed up asap!


Thanks @bon

a comment on the shadow part. In general I really like how you have implemented the shadow settings overall in Elements.

The only thing what should be improved is that the “Blur” slider is the only one which has only a slider and not a value field. That field is really missing.