Formatted text copy/paste

Currently if you copy/paste some formatted text (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough) from Pages to Elements, the text is pasted without any formatting, and any special characters are not converted to their respective entities and symbols.

I would expect that if I pasted formatted text from Pages, Word, Docs, etc into Elements that it would attempt to preserve basic formatting (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough) while discarding data that isn’t relevant (fonts, colours, spacing, indents, etc.) I’d also expect Elements to automatically convert all special characters to their respective entity codes.

Without this, bringing text into Elements from other sources is likely going to be a frustrating experience for users - especially as formatting paragraphs of text within Elements is currently impractical/impossible with the existing paragraph component.

Yes… the Text editor is SUPER basic right now, we have plans for it, we just need to get back round to doing it… but fear not we’re aware of it and it’s on the list to polish up.

As a workaround you can build custom components and hand code it, annoying but it works for now!

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