I’m building a website with a lot of articles with Foundation from Joe Workman. The articles have images that need to have text wrapping. I know I can do that in a paragraph stack and drop in an image and set the alignment. I also know that paragraph Pro does well with images and text wrapping.
For quick load-times on all platforms I want to use the foundation image stack, so the website has optimized images for mobile, tablet and desktop.
When I drop a Foundation image stack and a Foundation paragraph stack in a Foundation 1 column stack and in the image settings select in Layout -> Fill mode -> Float. The image aligns to the left and the text wraps around the image. But how can I get the image to align to the right?
It doesn’t matter if I set the Image to align to the center or the right, it stays on the left (settings in Image stack: Sizing & Alignment -> Align.)
Almost perfect the floating stack… On a mobile screen the image doesn’t get full screen, so you end up with a tiny image on mobile. In a 2 column stack with an image in one column and text in the other on smaller screens the column collapses to a 1 column with a fullscreen image and fullscreen text.
Do you or anybody else know a way around this with the floating stack or with the foundation stacks?