Fun Live Preview Trick with RapidWeaver 7

You all probably know that you can Live Preview direct to the web browser in RapidWeaver 7. And you know that Safari now supports “Responsive Design Mode”. Well these things go great together. I use this all the time now and it works great.

  1. Open a Live Preview of your page in RapidWeaver 7: Preview Page in Safari (Cmd-P) from the File menu.
  2. Make sure the Developer menu is active (in the Prefs under Advanced).
  3. Choose: Enter Responsive Design Mode (Cmd-Opt-R) from the Develop menu.
  4. Choose the device you want to view the page on.

Even cooler…

Copy the URL from the browser URL bar, open a second window and paste in the URL. Now you can see more than one device updating live in the browser all at once. Repeat as many times as your monitor space and CPU will allow.


also mentions there’s a nice video of Live Preview here:

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Now THIS is brilliant! The ability to Live Preview more than one device at a time is HUGE! Bravo Team Realmac.

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