RapidWeaver 7 PHP Preview of RapidCart Pro 4

I’m attempting to produce an e-commerce website to sell prints etc of my wife’s original watercolour paintings.

I am using RapidWeaver 7 on Mac Sierra OS v 10.12.6.

I’m using RapidCart Pro 4 Advanced with Rapid Cart Stacks using the Foundation theme. I am at the stage where I want to preview it before progressing any further.

The RapidCart Pro 4 Manual states:

“! RapidWeaver™ 7 supports offline PHP preview, so SmartPreview is no longer needed. This means built-in RapidWeaver™ 7 preview just works when previewing RapidCart Pro pages. Woohoo!”

It doesn’t work for me. Even RapidCart’s own Demo site, included in the download, won’t preview the RCP stacks.

I’ve searched all the forums and posted my question to Foreground to no avail. Hopefully there’s a simple answer to my problem.

Malcolm -

We’re working with you directly via RMS to investigate this. Just curious, can you try previewing in Safari / Chrome using “Preview Page In …” ? Does it work there?

Hello Aaron,
Preview in Safari produces the same result.
Just tried downloading a fresh copy of RCP4 Demo Store, opened it from within RW7, then without making any changes to it, apart from it being converted from RW6, previewed it with Safari - same result. I’ll send a screen grab of the result by email.

Hello Aaron,

Her’s the screen grab of the Preview with Safari of the un-changed RCP Demo Store.

Then a screen grab of the same with local preview in RW7.

Malcolm. :frowning:

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