Future theme remove banner

How can I remove the banner of the Future theme, in pages other than the home page.


thought you asked this and found the CSS you need.

If not just like before a URL would help you get help.

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Will do.

I’m not making much progress, but I have a URL: http://bohtech.com/beaTest/

The home page looks fine in RW, but online, it doesn’t show the banner.

On other pages I don’t want the banner, but the the menu goes to the bottom of the window.

I would appreciate any help.


Don’t know what’s going on with the “banner” on the test pages you gave above.

To get rid of the banner on the other pages you could try this CSS, place it only on the pages you don’t want the hero on.:

#hero {

Since the banner/background didn’t seem to publish correctly, this is a guess.

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Thanks Doug - I had visibility: none. Changing to display:none solved this issue.

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