I’ve been poking around Tailwind more and more lately and one thing I’ve run across a few times is folks using Github Copilot (or other AI) to generate Tailwind HTML from an image/screenshot. The fact that Tailwind has a common syntax, naming conventions, and patterns, along with a huge amount of available data to draw upon (from the web and GitHub repos) should aid greatly in training an AI to do this (if an existing model isn’t already available).
I can imagine seeing a website where you like a page, or a section within a page and are wondering how to create your own similar layout or custom compound element within Elements. If it were possible to simply grab a screenshot or drag and drop and image and have the basic HTML + Tailwind structure generated for you, but rendered in the context of your Elements site, I could see that not only being a great learning tool, but also a powerful way to quickly experiment with designs in Elements.
I know there’s no way this will make it into v1 (unless it’s one of the yet to be revealed BIG features), but it might be something to look into down the road, or could even be enabled in Elements via 3rd party plug-ins (if those are still planned).