Got a question about RapidWeaver Elements?

Hey Weavers,

I’m just getting things ready for tomorrow’s dev diary and wondered if you had any questions about RapidWeaver Elements or want me to demo something specific?

Let me know in the comments below and I’ll do my best to cover it in tomorrow’s video!


P.S. Previous Element Dev Diary videos can be found over on our YouTube channel.

Will everything you demo’d be included in Elements, or will add ons need to be purchased?

For example, the Grid functionality is that built in or is it an addon to be purchased ?

I’d be quite interested to hear anything about creating/publishing collections of content, ie. ‘blogs’, ‘audio/video podcasts’ and ‘feeds’ within a site made with Elements?


Thanks @rolisize and @anon68150607, I will be sure to answer these in tomorrow’s video!


I’m also curious as to how things such as breadcrumbs and pagination work with collections in Elements.


Developer elements, will they have separate sections when showing to the left, by developer etc, or be included with RW Elements

Latest video is up with answers to all of the above questions (apart from @upssjw as I had already recorded the video, we’ll get you that one next week).


Excellent, menu options shaping up nicely, really impressive. Can you remove the top bar and just have the burger menu on its own, eg a circle.

Yes, of course :smiling_face:

Here’s a quick video of that in action…

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nice and easy, thanks for the video, really liking the menu element, I previously asked (on Circle) if you could offset out of the top bar, eg your Realmac logo could be half in half out at the bottom, overlap

You can’t with the built-in controls, however you’d certainly be able to do it with a couple of Tailwind classes. Once Elements ships, we’ll be here to help with these little CSS tweaks :smiling_face:

@dan Any chance we could get a client side website search built into Elements on the first release? Really quite useful, especially for a static site that is not easily organized with categories and tags.

That’s not something we’ve looked at yet, so I’d say probably not for the beta.
However, it’s things like this that a third-party developer could help with :thinking:

Looking forward to your data solution. I hope it’s global data we can reference at different points like custom post types or option pages in WP :slight_smile:

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