Grid Auto-Flow: Row vs Column

I’ve placed 3 grid item images and when I select between Auto Flow: Column & Row, I don’t see any changes in the layout. I have Columns set to 2 & Rows set to 2. I would expect using ‘Row’: the 2nd item to be in the top right position.
using ‘Column’: the 2nd item to be in the bottom left position.

We’re going to need a more information to be able to investigate this one.

I’m having a bit of trouble following what the issue is based on the description above. Could post a video / screenshots of how you have your grid and grid items setup?


I believe they mean…

Set to column should be

Set to Row should be

but I can’t see this would work with three items. If there were four items




I may be totally wrong but that’s how it reads to me.

Here’s an example:

For row: with the column & row numbers set to 2, it should display as:

For column: with the column & row numbers set to 2, it should display as:

Thanks, Bill

You’re setting the Grid to be just two columns instead of 12…

So, you’d then need to set the A and B grid items to “1 column”, then they’d display next to each other.

I recorded a video, it was a bit ad-hoc as I tried to work out exactly what you wanted to do. Have a watch and let me know.

Hopefully it helps?!

Got to be honest, I’m still not 100% sure on what you were trying to do, or how you were trying to achieve it, however, I’ve looked over the Auto Flow settings and found there was an issue with two of the options.

I’ve fixed those issues and an update to the Grid’s Auto Flow will be in the next beta!

Hopefully that’ll fix this issue for you :slight_smile:

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Ok, here’s a video so you can see what I’m doing & a suggestion as well as a bug?

(Video download link removed)

I then tried setting grid items to 1 column but grid AutoFlow: Column setting still did not layout as expected.


Ah-ha, that makes more sense.

@bon has fixed the issue, here’s a video showing it working in the next beta… look out for that Tomorrow (Tuesday).

Great, hopefully that works with Grid Item column set to Auto, so we don’t have to fight with the controls :wink: