Set a fixed height fullscreen responsive background?
The only way to do this in Foundation is with the column stacks but as the content grows or shrinks so does the image…i want to make it independent. I had a look at Joe Workman’s Eclipse stack…any other solutions?
Have content ‘scroll up’ into view from menu selections…
Kind of like what Screens does but purely have the content scroll up to appear…some kind of content switcher?
Any help would be most appreciated, i need to create this effects without wasting money and time. I know White duck probably can do all these things but hell it’s a bit above my brain power. Thankyou in advance RW Community
thanks Joe, actually i may not have explained what I’m trying to do well…I want the background cover image to resize responsively (as it does when you put an image in a Foundation column) but independently of the content height…is that possible?
Quite correct Joe, user error! Also worked out how to trigger the slides from links thanks to your docs.
Anything on the background image? Does that make sense? I want it to be responsive independent of the content size…so a starting desktop size that shrinks down to mobile